terça-feira, 28 de setembro de 2010

Gloria Stuart, a Rose de "Titanic" morre aos 100 anos


Muitas foram as personagens a quem deu vida, mas foi com Rose, a protagonista de Titanic, em fase de ‘grande experiência de vida’, que chegou ao estrelato e passou a ser mundialmente (re)conhecida. A actriz Gloria Stuart faleceu no passado domingo com 100 anos, segundo é noticiado no site da revista Variety.

A actriz sucumbiu a um cancro no pulmão, diagnosticado há cinco anos, na sua casa em Los Angeles.

Gloria Stuart nasceu em 1910 em Santa Monica, na Califórnia, tendo estudado artes dramáticas e filosofia. Começou a sua carreira em Pasadena e chegou aos grandes ecrãs em 1932 em Street of Women. Durante a década de 30 continuou o seu percurso cinematográfico com variadíssimas aparições no grande ecrã, como por exemplo em The Invisible ManPoor Little Rich Girl ou Gold Diggers of 1935, de Busby Berkeley. Stuart foi também uma das fundadoras da Guilda dos Actores, a organização sindical.

Apesar de tudo apontar para uma carreira promissora na sétima arte, a actriz resolveu dedicar-se a outra paixão nos anos 40 - a pintura. A actriz deixou ainda uma autobiografia, "Gloria Stuart: I Just Kept Hoping" (1999), onde explica que Rose foi o papel pelo qual sempre esperou e que lhe valeu uma indicação aos Óscares. A idosa do blockbuster de James Cameron tornou-se assim a actriz mais idosa, tinha 87 anos, a ser nomeada, neste caso para o galardão de Melhor Actriz Secundária.

A centenária deixa uma filha, a escritora Sylvia Thompson, além de quatro netos e 12 bisnetos. "Era uma mulher muito forte e tinha outros assuntos com que se ocupar", comentou a filha, Sylvia Thompson, citada pela publicação Los Angeles Times.

sexta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2010

Ah e tal, vamos inventar a letra! -.-'

Estudo feito em Inglaterra revela letras que mais ouvintes percebem mal. Veja a lista, com Prodigy, Jimi Hendrix ou Abba, e conte-nos que músicas já o "enganaram".

Os resultados têm por base as respostas de 3 mil pessoas , 41% das quais admitiram inventar as deixas das letras que não compreendem. 

1. R.E.M. - "The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite" 
Letra: "Call me when you try to wake her" 
Versão errada: "Calling Jamaica" 

2. Jimi Hendrix - "Purple Haze" 
Letra: "Excuse me while I kiss the sky" 
Versão errada: "Excuse me while I kiss this guy" 

3. Aerosmith - "Dude Looks Like A Lady" 
Letra: "Dude looks like a lady" 
Versão errada: "Do just like a lady" 

4. The Foundations - "Buttercup" 
Letra: "Build me up buttercup" 
Versão errada: "Fill me up buttercup" 

5. Adele - "Chasing Pavements" 
Letra: "Should I give up, or should I just keep chasing pavements" 
Versão errada: "Should I give up, or should I just keep chasing penguins" 

6. Bon Jovi - "Living On A Prayer" 
Letra: "It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not" 
Versão errada: "It doesn't make a difference if we're naked or not" 

7. ABBA - "Dancing Queen" 
Letra: "Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah" 
Versão errada: "Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tangerine, oh yeah" 

8. John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John - "One That I Want" Letra: "You're the one that I want" 
Versão errada: "You're the wobbly one" 

9. Nirvana - "Smells Like Teen Spirit" 
Letra: "Here we are now, entertain us" 
Versão errada: "Here we are now, in containers" 

10. Queen - "Bohemian Rhapsody" 
Letra: "Spare him his life from this monstrosity" 
Versão errada: "Spare him his life for this one cup of tea" 

11. Johnny Nash - "I Can See Clearly Now" 
Letra: "I can see clearly now the rain has gone" 
Versão errada: "I can see clearly now Lorraine has gone" 

12. Madonna - "Papa Don't Preach" Letra: "Papa don't preach" 
Versão errada: "Poppadom Peach" 

13. Queen - "Bohemian Rhapsody" 
Letra: "Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango" 
Versão errada: "Scallaboosh, Scallaboosh, will you to the banned tango" 

14. Bee Gees - "Stayin' Alive" Letra: "Stayin' alive, stayin' alive" 
Versão errada: "Steak and a knife, steak and a knife" 

15. Prodigy - "Out of Space" 
Letra: "I'll take your brain to another dimension. Pay close attention" 
Versão errada: "I'll take your brain to another dimension. Hey close the kitchen" 

16. ABBA - "Dancing Queen" 
Letra: "See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen" 
Versão errada: "See that girl, watch her scream, kicking the dancing queen" 

17. ABBA - "Mamma Mia" 
Letra: "How can I resist you" 
Versão errada: "Have I got a sister" 

18. Take That - "Babe" Letra: "Babe" 
Versão errada: "Dave" 

19. Blue Oyster Cult - "Don't Fear The Reaper" Letra: "Seasons don't fear the reaper" 
Versão errada: "Jesus don't fear the reaper" 

20. Annie Lennox - "There Must Be An Angel" 
Letra: "Must be talking to an angel" 
Versão errada: "Must be talking to a ninja"

in Blitz  online

Exigências de Axl Rose para vir tocar a Lisboa!

Andava há um tempo para por isto aqui! As 41 exigências de Axl.

1) Camarins inteiramente negros e decorados com rosas frescas, 18 vermelhas e 18 brancas. 
2) Champanhe 
3) Vodka 
4) Tequila (Patron Anejo) 
5) Vinho Tinto 
6) Cerveja (6 x Lucky Budha, Grolsch e Checkvar) 
7) O quarto deve ter luzes opacas 
8) Uma cama 
9) Um sofá 
10) Uma "coffee table" 
11) 6 candeeiros e um tapete 
12) Guardanapos pretos 
13) Um liquidificador 
14) Uma máquina de sumos 
15) Uma chaleira 
16) Lenços de papel 
17) 18 copos (para vinho e champanhe) 
18) 15 copos para cocktails
19) 40 copos de papel 
20) 6 faqueiros 
21) 2 saca-rolhas and abre-latas 
22) Facas para pão: 1 grande e 2 pequenas 
23) Sal e pimenta 
24) Azeite 
25) Vinagre balsâmico 
26) Molho de soja 
27) 2 frascos de mel em forma de urso 
28) Cocktail com tequila Jose Cuervo 
29) Red Bull 
30) Coca-Cola 
31) 7 Up 
32) Uma embalagem de sumo de laranja 
33) Água mineral de marcas Pellegrino e Smart Water 
34) Fruta: bananas, maçãs, morangos, amoras, melancias, mangas and uvas 
35) Vegetais mistos: cenoura, aipo, pepinos 
36) Vários tipos de bolachas "crackers" 
37) 7 tipos de queijo 
38) Compota 
39) Condimentos: maionese, ketchup, mostarda 
40) Pão de forma 
41) Ao jantar: frango assado,2 postas de filet mignon mal passadas,uma salada Cesar 4 cheeseburgers e uma salada de espinafre

Há aqui cada coisa que me faz duvidar de muita coisa! Rosas... Frascos de mel em forma de urso... Humm...

Coolest Names!

Digam adeus a Todd Corbett e Ola a "HEY WOULD YOU BLOW ME"!

Batman, filho do Super Homem!

O rapaz decidiu mudar de George Garrat para Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine The Hulk and the Flash Combined!

Melhor ou Pior cover de Enter Sandman dos Metallica? You decide! xD

I have my opinion!

sábado, 11 de setembro de 2010

Penalty Epic Fail!

11 de Setembro de 2001 - 9 anos após a tragédia

Pois é.. Já passaram 9 anos desde os atentados terroristas do 11 de Setembro. A maior parte de nós não se lembra de muito. Eu não me lembro de quase nada, só de ver uma noticia sobre encontrarem partes dos corpos das vítimas. Isso afectou-me. Ainda hoje sou capaz de chorar por causa daquele dia que matou quase 3 mil pessoas. O facto de um grupo ter sido capaz de cometer uma atrocidade destas choca-me e deixa-me com medo. Ver o World Trade Center a ser atingido pelos aviões, as pessoas a saltarem, tudo faz-me sentir triste. Bem, mas hoje é um dia que devemos homenagear todos aqueles que morreram naquele dia.


"Quando passarem 46 minutos das 13h00 de sábado terão decorrido exatamente nove anos desde que o primeiro de dois aviões desviados por terroristas embateu numa das torres gémeas de Nova Iorque. E o mundo mudou.

Assinalam-se este sábado nove anos sobre o dia que mudou o mundo. Para a História ficam perto de 3 mil mortos e as imagens de terror das torres gémeas em chamas e do pânico e incredulidade globais.

São nove anos desde que um grupo de terroristas sequestrou quatro aviões comerciais, fazendo-os embater contra duas torres do World Trade Center, que acabaram por ruir, e contra o Pentágono. O quarto acabou por se despenhar em Somerset County, na Pensilvânia, mas as autoridades acreditam que o seu alvo seria o Capitólio."

in: visao.pt

1ºs 5 minutos da CNN:

Alguns Videos:

Agora aqui está um documentário intitulado "The Falling Man" que vale a pena ver para quem não viu:

(eu sei que é longo, mas vale mesmo a pena...)

Os nomes de todas as pessoas que morreram assim como fotos estão no link acima.

quarta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2010

Cursed Movie Sets

With the buzz of the “Oscar Curse” finally dimming down, we just grew more curious about some other legendary Hollywood curses—the kind where the whole set is “cursed” – and an unlucky few, whether it’s the cast, the crew or the film’s director, were never the same after they stepped on that fateful set. Whether or not the films were truly “cursed,” one thing’s for certain, you won’t be able to watch these movies in the same way again. Read on – if you dare.

Trilogy of films beginning in 1982

Key Players:
Heather O'Rourke, who played the lead role of Carol Anne in all three of the Poltergeist films, died in 1988 at just 12 years old from septic shock.

Dominique Dunne, (sister of Griffin and daughter of Dominic) only lived to play the older sister, Dana, in the first movie. The same year as the film’s release, a possessive boyfriend strangled the 22-year-old actress.

Julian Beck, who played Kane in the second film, died at 60 years old from stomach cancer in 1985 before the filming of the third installment.

Will Sampson, who played Taylor the Medicine Man inPoltergeist II, died from post-operative kidney failure and pre-operative malnutrition problems in 1987 at 53 years old.


Key Players:
Rising mega-star Heath Ledger, who slipped seamlessly—maybe too well—into the Oscar-winning role of the Joker, a madman with zero empathy, died in January 2008, six months before the film's release. Heath died of an accidental overdose/mix of prescription pills.

Christian Bale was arrested the night before the film’s London premiere for allegedly assaulting his mother and sister.

Morgan Freeman was in a car accident in Mississippi a few months after the release of the film. Oddly, without influence from drugs or alcohol on the actor’s part, his car “skipped the road” and rolled down an embankment—Freeman was in serious condition with a broken shoulder and impaired hand.

A crew member named Conway Wicliffe died on a camera truck while running through a dummy action scene with the Batmobile—it crashed into a tree.


Key Players:
For the 1975 film The Omen, Set Designer John Richardsondesigned a particularly grisly automobile death in which a character is decapitated. On a Friday the 13th in 1976, John and his assistant Liz Moore were in an accident in Holland—and Liz died in a manner eerily similar to the one he depicted in the film. Also creepy? The accident was near the road sign which read: “Ommen, 66.6 km.”

Two months before filming, son of lead actor Gregory Peck killed himself.

The IRA bombed the hotel where Executive Producer Mace Neufeld was staying with his wife. (The couple survived).

Post The Omen, stuntman Alf Joint went to work on his next movie A Bridge Too Far, but the professional was hospitalized after flubbing an “ordinary” jump from a roof on to an air bag. He fell suddenly and awkwardly—afterward he said he felt he’d “been pushed.”


Key Players:
Roman Polanski's controversial horror film about a young Manhattan wife (Mia Farrow) whose husband makes a deal with the devil and gives their unborn child to a group of Satanic worshippers. A year after its release, the Manson "family" murders Roman’s pregnant wife, the gorgeous young actressSharon Tate

Key Players:
Brandon Lee, son of celebrated martial artist film star Bruce Lee, believed his family was cursed after his grandfather angered a group of Chinese businessmen. Brandon’s father Bruce died in 1973 while filming the movie Game of Death in Hong Kong. Twenty years later, while filming The Crow, a dummy bullet killed Brandon – eight days before the film’s completion and at just 28 years old.


Key Players:
Legendary heartthrob James Dean died in a car crash near Cholame, CA, while driving his Porsche 550 Spyder to a race in Salinas. James was only 24 when he died a month before the premiere of Rebel Without A Cause.

At 43 years old, Natalie Wood drowned in the harbor off of Catalina Island. Although her death was ruled “accidental,” many suspected that Christopher Walken and husband Robert Wagner—her boating partners—knew more.

Sal Mineo, who played John “Plato” Crawford, was stabbed in the heart by a robber outside his West Hollywood apartment in 1974. He was 37 years old.

At 37, actor Nick Adams was found slumped against the wall of his Beverly Hills bedroom, dead of an apparent drug overdose.

in: http://newsletters.blush.com/popCulture/cursedMovies/index.htm

The 27 Club

Following our morbid tone with Pop’s “Most Cursed Movie Sets” with Music we take a look at the “The 27 Club,” spotlighting the massively talented musicians who died at the “cursed age” of 27. According to legend, The Curse officially began with the death of highly influential “Crossroads” bluesman Robert Johnson, but the legend really picked up speed in the ‘70s, when Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison all died at 27-years-old, and each within two years of each other. If there’s a sad lesson from all these flames who burnt out far too soon, it's definitely to stay away from drugs, kids. Unfortunately, this list could go a lot longer but here are a few of the boldest names who died far too soon, all at the ripe young age of 27.

When: September 18, 1970
Where: In girlfriend Monika Dannemann’s London flat.
How: Asphyxiated on his own vomit after red wine and sleeping pills.

When: October 4, 1970
Where: Heroin Overdose.
How: The Landmark Hotel in L.A.

When: July 3, 1971
Where: The rented Paris apartment he shared with girlfriend Pamela Courson
How: Official cause of death listed as heart failure, but heavy amounts of drugs and alcohol were involved.

Keyboardist and guitarist, leader of Badfinger
When: April 24, 1975
Where: His Surrey, England home.
How: Suicide by hanging.

When: April 5, 1994
Where: His Lake Washington home in Seattle.
How: Suicide by shotgun, with a high concentration of heroin and traces of Valium found in his system.

Singer-songwriter and guitarist for Big Star
When: December 27, 1978
Where: On the road in East Memphis.
How: Car wreck; ran into a telephone pole.

Bass guitarist for Courtney Love’s band Hole, she died the same year as Kurt Cobain
When: June 16, 1994
Where: Her apartment in Seattle.
How: Heroin overdose.

Lyricist and guitarist for Manic Street Preachers
When: February 1, 1995
Where: Last seen checking out of the Embassy Hotel in Bayswater Road, London.
How: Disappeared; officially presumed dead November 23, 2008.

Rolling Stones founder and guitarist/multi-instrumentalist.
When: July 3, 1969
Where: His swimming pool at Cotchford Farm, Sussex, England.
How: Officially he drowned, but some suspect foul play.

Founding member, keyboardist and singer of the Grateful Dead, friend and lover of Janis Joplin
When: March 8, 1973
Where: At his home in Corte Madera, CA.
How: Gastrointestinal hemorrhage associated with alcoholism.
Drummer for Echo & the Bunnymen
When: June 14, 1989
Where: On the road from Liverpool to London.
How: Motorcycle accident.

When: August 16, 1938
Where: Near Greenwood, Mississippi.
How: Allegedly poisoned by a bottle of whiskey laced with strychnine (but it remains and unsolved mystery).

Bassist for punk band The Stooges
When: February 10, 1975
Where: In an Ann Arbor, MI, hospital.
How: Pulmonary edema related to alcohol abuse.
When: August 12, 1988
Where: His N.Y.C. studio.
How: Heroin overdose.

Se quiserem saber + basta irem a página do wikipédia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club